Before setting out on the road remember to bring plenty of water. Check the condition of your tires for sufficient tread. Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Be sure to check your gauges.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) has developed a list of several of the top causes of traffic collisions.
Attentiveness/Fatigue – Make sure you are well rested before setting out on the road. Sleep deprived drivers pose a significant danger on Arizona highways. Reaction times are adversely affected when drivers are not alert. Get plenty of rest before you begin your journey. A number of fatal collisions investigated by DPS involved fatigued drivers. Don’t be one of them.
Impaired Driving – If you are planning on drinking this holiday weekend make sure you have a designated driver or plans to call a cab. Once you start drinking your ability to make sound decisions decreases with each drink. Impaired driving extends beyond just the consumption of alcohol. Never use illegal drugs or drive while taking prescription drugs that may impair your driving ability.
Buckle Up – A seatbelt will ensure that you stop with your car. Without it, you may end up being thrown from the vehicle if you are involved in a collision.
Speeding – Speeding greatly increases the chances of a collision and reduces the amount of time to avoid one. Following the speed limits will decrease the chances of serious injury or death in a collisions.
Make sure your car is in tip top shape for the holiday weekend. Schedule an appointment online today or call (602) 892-3780